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natural treatment for heart disease angina pain

natural treatment for heart disease angina pain

how to lower blood pressure naturally withnattokinase and exercise.this video shows a possible way to lower high blood pressure through a simple program oftaking nattokinase supplements and combining it with exercise.what is nattokinase? nattokinase is an enzyme that helps dissolveabnormal blood clots in the body. its a natural blood thinner.it was discovered in 1980 at chicago university medical school by a young japanese medicalresearcher, dr hiroyuki sumi. he found that the food â€Å“natto” had theremarkable quality of quickly dissolving blood clots in a petri dish.natto’s a traditional fermented japanese

soy food that’s been a popular staple inthe japanese diet for centuries. nattokinase was identified as the enzyme innatto that thinned the blood. scientific studies have since confirmed itto be a powerful fibrinolytic agent, or something that helps prevent or dissolve abnormal bloodclots. fibrinolytic means â€Å“clot dissolving”,by the way. can nattokinase lower high blood pressure?if so, how does it work? yes, nattokinase very possibly can help loweryour high blood pressure. there’s a low rate of coronary heart diseasein japan, and consumption of natto may be one reason why.many japanese believe eating natto helps lower

their high blood pressure and natto is a localfolk remedy for cardiovascular disease. the nattokinase in natto helps prevent ordissolve unwanted blood clots, so thinning the blood.when blood is thinner, it flows better, and blood pressure drops.a 2008 study at a korean university and hospital concluded from human trials that nattokinasedid indeed decrease high blood pressure. to quote their study, â€Å“increased intake ofnattokinase may play an important role in preventing and treating hypertension.”what’s more, in 2012 a japanese medical university found nattokinase also acts asa natural ace inhibitor. it concluded that eating natto may suppressblood pressure.

so, yes, there̢۪s strong evidence that nattokinasemay well lower your high blood pressure. where do i get nattokinase?is it expensive? nattokinase actually is quite cheap.i did a search for it on a supplement website. i found many brands of nattokinase you canchoose from. i̢۪m not associated with any one of them.i suggest you go through the reviews and ratings for each and decide for yourself.scrolling down the page, this particular brand, doctor̢۪s best, caught my eye.it has the largest number of reviews, and an overall high rating from users around theworld. going through the reviews, i found many thatcommented positively on nattokinase̢۪s bp

lowering effect.some reviewers found a dose of four, six or even eight capsules a day was needed to lowerbp. but most others found two capsules a day,or a total of 4000 fus, was all that was needed. one reviewer said they could tolerate onlyhalf a capsule. a minority reported nattokinase did not workfor them at all. fus, by the way, means fibrinolytic units.it̢۪s how the strength of the nattokinase is measured.for this particular brand, one capsule delivers 2000fus, so two capsules gives 4000fus.as you can see, at this current price, it̢۪s not an expensive supplement.at a dose of two capsules a day, this bottle

will last you six weeks.have you tried nattokinase yourself? did it lower your blood pressure?yes, i did try nattokinase myself. and it did lower my blood pressure.here̢۪s my story. my bp hovers around 150/100 if i do nothingabout it. here are my readings over the 2013 new yearperiod. 156/103, 144/92, 160/100...not such a happy new year. my cardiologist says the primary cause ofmy high readings is insulin resistance. he urged me to get it down to below 135/85.or risk a stroke. among the bp lowering supplements i̢۪m testingis nattokinase.

i̢۪m taking it in conjunction with aerobicexercise. exercise has been proven to enhance the body̢۪sown clotting and declotting system. so i take nattokinase a few hours before exercising,just to help the body along. i tested doses of two, four and six thousandfus just before going for a jog. that̢۪s one, two and three capsules.i then measured my bp over the next two mornings to see what the effect was on my bp.here are my results. to make it easier to analyze, i calculatedmy mean arterial pressure (or single overall figure forbp) and plotted the results on a graph. this is the effect of one capsule, or 2000fus.this dose doesn̢۪t drop my bp at all.

here̢۪s the effect of two capsules, or 4000fus.my bp does drop at this dose. taking three capsules, or 6000fus doesn̢۪tdo much more, suggesting two capsules, or 4000fus is about the right dose for this brandof nattokinase. this is also the same dose that most reviewersabove reported working for them. so i̢۪m happy 4000fus is about the rightdose. the bigger drop in bp here could be becausei exercised more intensely. it suggests more vigorous exercise may helpnattokinase lower bp even further. that̢۪s just a guess.so, yes, nattokinase definitely seems to be working for me in lowering my high bp.are you sure nattokinase will work in lowering

my bp?just to be sure one last time, i tested nattokinase again before uploading this video toyoutube. i mentioned before that if i don̢۪t takeany supplements to bring my bp down, it rises to around 150/100.after stopping nattokinase just before christmas my bp predictably rose again, so i decidedto test nattokinase one more time to see if itwould respond to my program. so, this is my capsule of nattokinase.it's about two hours before i go exercising. so here goes!cheers! i'll take a second capsule about an hour later,an hour and a half later.

i like to divide my dose.it may help with the absorption. just on first principles, i'm not too sureabout that. and the reason why i'm testing nattokinaseagain one final time before i'm uploading the video to youtube is because, basicallybecause of this. oh, you can't read it, it's in the mirror.that's my blood pressure from this morning. the date there is the second of january 2013and my blood pressure is 160/100. and this was about nine o'clock in the morning.this isn't good. this reading isn't good, 160/100.if i do nothing about my blood pressure, if i take no supplements and don't exercise,my blood pressure will rise to about 150/100.

and today's reading of 160/100 is a bit scaryfor me. so i've just taken my nattokinase.i will be exercising very soon. and tomorrow morning i'll be taking my bloodpressure and discovering whether nattokinase brings it down, as my recent study has suggestedit does. around 3 hours after taking my nattokinasecapsules i go to the park to jog. if jogging isn̢۪t for you, just pick an aerobicexercise that you enjoy. i added sprints to my routine as earlier resultssuggested a higher exercise intensity may help nattokinase reduce bp even further.sprinting on and off is called interval training. it̢۪s a powerful way to exercise.here are my bp results for 4000fus, or two

capsules.and here̢۪s the graph of the results. nattokinase once again dropped my bp.and it did so even for the second day. so exercising at a higher intensity may lowerbp even more. here̢۪s my earlier test for the same dose,just for comparison. so upon retesting, nattokinase did lower mybp over two days, from 160/100 to 145/89 to 136/89.and when i stopped taking nattokinase, my bp shot back up even higher.so if you find nattokinase works for you, i recommend to keep on taking it and not tostop. i stopped because i̢۪m now testing otherbp lowering supplements.

click the red subscribe button below to receivefuture updates. so, in conclusion, nattokinase definitelyseems to work for me short term wise. will it work for everyone or all the time?no. remember earlier that a minority of reviewersreported it didn̢۪t work for them. and one book even reports that although nattokinaseoften works, it sometimes doesn̢۪t. so test it for yourself, there̢۪s a goodchance you̢۪ll like the result. many other supplements lower blood pressure.i haven̢۪t heard of nattokinase before. what̢۪s so special about it?nattokinase is special in that it lowers blood pressure in a unique way.most pharmaceutical drugs lower high bp by

widening blood vessels.ace inhibitors, for example, do this by blocking an enzyme which constricts blood vessels,while beta-blockers block nerve impulses to achieve the same effect.diuretics just cheat by reducing the volume of blood to be pumped, thereby lowering bp.nattokinase, on the other hand, lowers blood pressure by thinning the blood and improvingblood flow, something no prescription hypertension drug does.nattokinase is unique in that it reduces levels of fibrinogen.fibrinogen is the clot making raw material in our blood.elevated fibrinogen levels are a cardiovascular risk.a groundbreaking 1985 study concluded that

â€Å“elevated fibrinogen levels in your bloodis a significant, independent risk factor for coronary heart disease, at least as importantas blood pressure or cholesterol.” unlike blood pressure or cholesterol, drugcompanies offer no drugs to lower fibrinogen levels,so the risk of elevated fibrinogen levels has not widely publicized.fortunately, nattokinase fills a role here. nattokinase has been shown to decrease fibrinogenlevels. a 2009 human trial at a research hospitalin taiwan confirmed their hypothesis that 4000fus of nattokinase, our famous two capsulesa day, safely reduces blood clotting factors that areassociated with an increase risk for cardiovascular

disease.nattokinase is also special in that it reinforces the body̢۪s own natural fibrinolytic activitywhile at the same time allowing the body to maintain overall regulation of the fibrinolyticbalance. this just means nattokinase exerts its effectby working with the body rather than doing something to it, as drugs normally do.it gives a helping hand to the body's own finely balanced system of making blood clotsand declotting unwanted clots. as nattokinase may help improve blood circulation,it may also help with dementia and senility because of its effect on blood flow in thebrain. so, yes, there is something special aboutnattokinase.

is nattokinase safe? are there any precautionsi should know about? nattokinase is a safe dietary supplement.the japanese people have been eating natto as part of their diet for many years withno known side-effects or complications. however, there are important precautions.nattokinase is a natural blood thinner, so don̢۪t use it if you have any internal bleedingdisorder. avoid nattokinase after surgery and duringpregnancy. do not take it if you̢۪re already on a bloodthinner such as coumadin or warfarin. nor with aspirin.if you have a genetic clotting tendency, such as factor v leiden, and are on an anticoagulatingmedication, don̢۪t even think of replacing

it with nattokinase.nattokinase is a dietary supplement, not a drug.stopping your medication could risk death. finally, take nattokinase on an empty stomach.nattokinase to lower blood pressure - the main pointsnattokinase may help lower your high blood pressure.a dose of 4000fus, or two capsules of the brand in question, seems to be the ballparkdose. after taking your nattokinase, exercise.exercising shortly after taking nattokinase may aid in further lowering bp.nattokinase is a safe supplement, but there are precautions regarding it̢۪s use whenyour on blood thinners or if you have an internal

bleeding disorder.for all the resources on nattokinase mentioned here please click the link below this video.finally, i am not a doctor. this video is not medical advice but onlyfor educational purposes only. always consult your doctor before changesto your prescription. a medical exam is recommended before startingor changing your exercise program, especially for those with a medical condition or whoare over 50. thanks for watching.i wish you good health and longevity.

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