hey guys, dr. axe here from draxe.com. inthis video, i'm going to talk about how to overcome a vitamin b-12 deficiency and thegreat health benefits of vitamin b-12. and vitamin b-12 is something that about 40%of people are deficient in today. and it really is one of your body's most important vitaminsand something that a lot of people struggle with. and if you struggle with any type of fatigueor low energy, levels that is a big warning sign that you have a vitamin b-12 deficiency.if you struggle with lack of focus or poor memory issues, that's a big warning sign youhave a vitamin b-12 deficiency. if you are a person out there that's struggleswith poor cellular function or you've been
diagnosed with an autoimmune disease likefibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, that's a warning sign that you have a vitamin b-12deficiency. also anemia, if you have anemia or you everstand up and you felt light-headed or here and there, you feel, again, like you get lightheaded when you stand up, that's a warning sign you have a vitamin b-12 deficiency. andthis is very, very common in people. also, if you have a thyroid condition likehyperthyroidism, hashimoto's, or adrenal fatigue, or adrenal gland issues, and you get emotionallystressed out easy and frazzle easy, those are the biggest warning signs that you mayhave a vitamin b-12 deficiency. in this video, i'm going to go over exactlyhow you overcome a vitamin b-12 deficiency.
by the way, it's probably going to surpriseyou some of the answers i give. now here is my first thing i want to talkabout with vitamin b-12 deficiency. the biggest reason that most people have vitamin b-12deficiencies is because they don't have a healthy digestive system. so some of us get enough vitamin b-12 in ourdiet in certain ways, but we're not absorbing and digesting vitamin b-12 properly and that'sbecause you can develop a condition called leaky gut, and having a leaky gut can be causedby consuming things like gluten, too many dairy products, and other issues can causedigestive issues and then proteins leak through your gut.
it causes something called malabsorption.so malabsorption is when you're not actually digesting the food you're eating. you knowa lot of people have heard the principle "you are what you eat," it's not true. you are what you digest. and if you're notdigesting properly, you are not able to absorb vitamin b-12. and so, the first people thattend to have a vitamin b-12 deficiency are people that struggle with leaky gut and digestiveissues. and so if you have food allergies, if you have any sort of bloating, or gas,or acid reflux, or inflammatory bowel disease, that probably means that you vitamin b-12deficiency. the second subgroup of people that have avitamin b-12 deficiency are people that are
vegans or vegetarians, because they're gettinglittle to no vitamin b-12 in your diet. you only get vitamin b-12, if you're consumingmeat products. they're not found in vegetables so that wouldleave you at a deficiency and the third group of people that would tend to have a vitaminb-12 deficiency are people that follow a poor diet and don't have enough probiotics in theirdiet or good bacteria. and so again, if you don't consume probioticrich foods on a regular basis that probably means that you could have a vitamin b-12 deficiency.and vitamin-b-12 is important for so many things. vitamin b-12 benefits include improving redblood cell formation which is important for
energy and heart health. they actually helpwith cellular function which is important for your cells and body functioning property. they actually support the brain and nervesystem. and they're actually studies out there showing that actually there are 430 studiesthat prove that if you're deficient in vitamin b-12, it's almost been linked to anxiety anddepression. and so, obviously, vitamin b-12 is importantfor a lot of things especially your red blood cell cellular function and supporting thebrain and nerve system. and here is how you can overcome vitamin b-12 deficiency and reallytake your health to the next level. number one, start consuming more vitamin b-12rich foods. and the best vitamin b-12 foods
are going to be liver, so chicken liver, beefliver. after that, wild caught fish, like wild-caught salmon and tuna, are packed withvitamin b-12, then doing grass-fed beef and lamb products. in fact, grass-fed lamb is very high and grass-fedbeef in vitamin b-12. and then the fourth group of food is actually going to be rawdairy products. things like kefir, yogurt, raw cheeses, raw milk, but raw dairy productsare your four source of getting vitamin b-12. so step number one, get more vitamin b-12foods in your diet. number two, and i think this is amazing, there is a study that cameout of stanford university that found if you take a probiotic supplement, it greatly increasesyour levels of vitamin b-12.
and here's what people think, you'd think,you're deficient in vitamin b-12, that means you have to start loading up on vitamin b-12supplements or getting vitamin b shots. no, the truth is if you're doing that withoutabsorbing it, it doesn't matter. probiotics help you absorb the vitamin b-12 you're taking,and so you've got to be getting a good quality probiotic supplement and loading up on probioticfoods if you want to overcome a vitamin b-12 deficiency. and the third step would be you've got tostart really healing your gut, getting your gut healthy, and that's going to include probiotics.it's going to include getting gluten and inflammatory foods out of your diet. so really step threeis improving your diet.
and step four is taking the right supplements.you can take a high-quality vitamin b-12 supplement. in fact there are vitamin b-12 sprays thatwork very well. you can take vitamin b-12 and a b-complex vitamin or isolated. also, you can take a desiccated liver supplementand take liver in a capsule form and get it that way. and no matter how you take it, takinga vitamin b-12 in supplement form to increase your dose is also very important. so if you can really follow those steps, youcan help address that vitamin b-12 deficiency. and for some people, you will immediatelynotice you function better. your energy is increased. your adrenal glands are better.you're less stressed. your mood is improved.
you can find all of those benefits by consumingvitamin b-12 food and overcoming your vitamin b-12 deficiency. hey guys, dr. axe. this has been dr. axe.i hope you enjoyed this video. by the way, if you want my complete guide on how to overcomea vitamin b-12 deficiency, jump on over to my website, dr. axe.com. that's draxe.com. i've got an article on there on how to overcomea vitamin b-12 deficiency. simply search vitamin b-12 on draxe.com or just do a google searchfor dr. axe and vitamin b-12, and you'll find my complete guide, along with my recommendationsfor the best vitamin b-12 supplement that you should be taking on a daily basis.
again, guys, this has been dr. axe. thanksfor watching how to naturally overcome a vitamin b-12 deficiency.
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